Hi Quilters!
You guys- I (Breezi) am so sorry we didn't get this email out sooner. I got smacked in the face with influenza and then pneumonia right after. Basically- I give this experience zero out of 5 stars..... would not recommend... But I'm on the upswing and almost human side now, so that's good.
How are you guys doing on your UFO projects?! If you didn't sign up this month, not to worry- you have two more months to join us for our challenge! Score.
Don't forget about the yard sale that we're hosting in February. Are you guys binge watching that Marie Kondo Netflix special like me? She's so cute and inspiring.... and now I want to toss ALL the stuff. So if you are inspired by Marie, sign up for a table... if you don't have enough for a whole table, grab your friend and make her dejunk her stash too, and share the table.
So we were looking through all of our stuff at the shop and we realized we have quite a few people who have never finished picking up random blocks- of-the month quilts .We have an old (like 5 years old?) Thangles quilt bits (black/white/ blue or red), a 12 days of Christmas BOM from 2-3 years ago, and a Dominique BOM from last year. We sincerely would appreciate if you would come and pick up the rest of your kits. We promise we don't judge on why your project isn't done. I mean.... we're busy humans too.
We will see you soon!
From our laps to yours,
Jody and her peeps at Home Grown Quilts
208-983-0254 : 208-743-0503
We're bringing it back! Our annual UFO (Un-finished Objects) Challenge. This is for BOTH of our store locations!. In January/February/March we are giving you the chance to FINISH some of your projects that are just sitting in the corner (..
..I'm looking at you massive king size paper pieced wedding ring quilt) begging to be finished.
It doesn't matter the stage of your object. It could be that you have just cut it out.... it could be that you just need to bind the dumb thing... we don't care.
Each of those three months bring in up to 3 UFO's no later than the 10th to register them for $1 each. Return with any or all of them completed by the last day of the month and for each one finished your name will be entered into a drawing. We'll draw a name each month and the winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to the shop! Just think.... if you play for all three months you could finish up to nine projects.... and maybe win $150 to shop at Home Grown Quilts.
For quilters, UFOs may be quilts, table runners, or wall hangings or purses, etc... - no size restrictions. For knitters and crocheters, anything unfinished on the day of registration is eligible. For Cross-Stitchers/Embroidery peeps- bring anything in that is unfinished.
We will even give you another incentive: We'll give you 15% off of any supplies you might need to finish up that project you've been keeping in the naughty corner.
We look forward to seeing what everyone brings in for thee challenge!
We're hosting a YARD SALE!!!
> AT BOTH LOCATIONS!!! <Grab your overflowing stash no longer used tools and rulers, patterns, books, etc and bring them on down to Home Grown Quilts for a super fun yard sale. This is your chance to turn the old into the new!
Here's the details: On Friday February 15th ( from 10-5) and Saturday Feb 16th (From 10-3) in We will have booths available for you to sale your wares. Your booths are free of charge, but you do need to sign up for your booth to reserve it. You do NOT need to sign up for BOTH days. You can just do one or the other.... or both... whatever fits your schedule. You need to label each of your products with the prices you want and your initials . Our customers will bring all purchases up to the front register and we will ring them up and cash them out up front. At the end of the day you will receive a Home Grown Quilts gift card for the entire dollar amount of products you sold! How fun is that?! You can get all the fun new things you've been having your eyes on AND dash your stash that is just hanging around with nowhere to go.
Don't forget after you finish working your machine for hours and hours getting all of your projects finished for this holiday season, bring it on in to Roy for a good cleaning.
A clean machine is a happy (and hard working) machine.
We've got a fun new block of the month quilt!! We have 5 kits left !
ShatteredA Thangles Buck-a-Block Program
Grab a Starter Kit (includes the pattern and all the Thangles you need to complete this project) and then each month you will purchase your fabric kit for $10 a month. This is a 5 month program. Each month has 10 simple quilt blocks for you to put together.
*Fun side note: Breezi got her start in quilting using the Thangles Buck-a-Block programs. It is a fantastic way to spread out the cost of making a quilt, plus they are quick, easy, and not overwhelming! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Home Grown Quilts offers in-house scissor sharpening!!
Doug Hoogland is ready to get your scissors in peak performance. Drop by your scissors at either of our Home Grown Quilts locations and we'll get those done for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------